Is there required attire for my dancer?

Yes. We require dancers be in a leotard and tights are optional unless they are in Ballet, with proper ballet and tap shoes. We've found that having specified attire prepares our young dancers for the classroom. They know that when they are in their leotard, tights and shoes that it is time for class. It also helps them feel like part of the group. We have often seen that dancers that do not have proper attire feel different from their fellow classmates and it can often change their participation levels in class.

How should my dancer wear their hair?

We recommend having our dancer's hair out of their face. If you're able to have it in a bun or a ponytail, great! However, we do know that our 2–4-year-old dancers can be difficult to manage when it comes to hair. Sometimes, it just isn't worth the fight. By age 5, dancers should be having their hair pulled back in a ponytail, or bun.

Is it normal for my dancer not to participate?

ABSOLUTELY! Each dancer is different. Some dancers may jump right in, while others may take several weeks to fully feel comfortable in class. This is completely normal! We have seen dancers take up to 5-6 weeks to become a full participant in class. Remember, everything is new to them. They have a new space, new instructor, new friends, new music, new clothes. This can be very overwhelming for our young dancers. We know that some dancers may take longer to acclimate to the classroom setting.

How can I best prepare my dancer for class?

Come early for your first class! Help them get acquainted with their new space and instructor!

Talk about it at home! The more you discuss the format of class, and expectations, with your dancer the better! Remind them that mommy/daddy stay OUTSIDE the classroom during dance class. We should also be talking to them about classroom behavior (e.g., listening to their instructor, taking turns with other dancers, etc.). One of the biggest things our young dancers learn isn't even dancer related. We teach our young dancers basic social and classroom skills to help prepare them for pre-school and kindergarten. Come to class on a consistent basis! Consistency is key at a young age. The more they are able to keep their weekly schedule, the better they will do in class.

Be on time to class! We realize that sometimes things happen that may cause delays in getting to class, however, being on time is HUGE! Having them be there from the time the instructor calls them in, takes role, and gets class started helps in setting their expectations and behaviors for class. When a dancer is late, they lose those first moments of preparation which can impact their entire class and their behavior.