Next Step Dance

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Why Enrolling Your Child in Competitive Dance is a Smart Move

At Next Step Dance, we understand that every parent wants the best for their child. One way to help your young dancer grow and thrive is by enrolling them in competitive dance. Here are five compelling reasons why participating in dance competitions can be incredibly beneficial for young dancers, along with insights into managing the costs involved.

1. Skill Development and Technical Mastery

Competitive dance provides young dancers with the opportunity to refine their technical skills at a higher level. Regular rehearsals, workshops, and one-on-one coaching sessions are integral parts of competitive dance, allowing dancers to develop precise techniques and advanced skills.

A study published in the Journal of Dance Medicine & Science highlights that dancers involved in competitive programs demonstrate significant improvements in their technical abilities compared to those in recreational programs . This focused training helps dancers achieve a level of mastery that sets them apart.

2. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

Performing in front of large audiences multiple times throughout the season helps young dancers build confidence and self-esteem. The process of preparing for and participating in competitions teaches them to handle pressure, overcome stage fright, and present themselves with poise.

According to research from the Journal of Adolescence, children who engage in performing arts activities, including dance, show higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of anxiety. The supportive environment of competitive dance nurtures these positive psychological outcomes, helping children grow into confident individuals .

3. Fostering Discipline and Work Ethic

Competitive dance requires a high level of commitment, discipline, and time management. Dancers learn the value of hard work, perseverance, and dedication as they strive to perfect their routines and achieve their goals.

These qualities extend beyond the dance studio and positively impact academic performance and personal growth. A study in the Journal of Youth Development found that children involved in structured extracurricular activities, such as competitive dance, exhibit improved academic performance and stronger work ethics .

4. Creating Lifelong Friendships and Teamwork

Competitive dance teams often become tight-knit communities where dancers form lasting friendships. The shared experiences of rehearsing, traveling, and competing together create strong bonds and teach the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology notes that children involved in team sports and activities develop better social skills and stronger peer relationships. Being part of a competitive dance team provides young dancers with a supportive network of friends who share their passion .

5. Exposure to Professional Opportunities

Competitive dance opens doors to various professional opportunities. Many dancers who start in competitive dance go on to have successful careers in dance and related fields. The exposure to different styles, choreographers, and performance experiences can inspire dancers to pursue their dreams and build a career in the arts.

Understanding the Costs of Competitive Dance

It's important to acknowledge that competitive dance can be expensive. Costs typically include competition entry fees, costumes, travel expenses, and additional training sessions. Here’s a breakdown of what these costs cover:

  • Competition Entry Fees: These fees are required to participate in each competition. They cover the administrative costs of organizing the event.

  • Costumes: Each routine usually requires a unique costume, which adds to the expense. Costumes are designed to enhance the performance and provide a professional look.

  • Travel Expenses: Traveling to competitions, sometimes out of state, incurs costs for transportation, accommodation, and meals.

  • Additional Training: Competitive dancers often require extra training sessions, private lessons, and workshops to hone their skills.

While the costs can add up, being proactive about budgeting and planning can help families manage expenses. Setting aside a dedicated budget for dance expenses, seeking sponsorships, and participating in fundraising activities are effective strategies to ease the financial burden.


Enrolling your child in competitive dance at Next Step Dance offers numerous benefits that extend far beyond the dance floor. From enhancing technical skills and building confidence to fostering discipline and creating lasting friendships, the advantages are immense. While the costs can be significant, careful planning and proactive management can make competitive dance a worthwhile investment in your child's future.


  1. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, "The Impact of Competitive Dance on Technical Skills."

  2. Journal of Adolescence, "The Effects of Performing Arts on Self-Esteem and Anxiety."

  3. Journal of Youth Development, "Extracurricular Activities and Academic Performance."

  4. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, "The Social Benefits of Team Activities for Children."